Sunday, February 28, 2010

New Twitter Background

I've been fiddling around with a couple of different Twitter backgrounds and just created a new one. 

I like it. 

What do you think? 

Posted via email from Sue Anne's Posterous

Stephen King: Lisey's Story

I just finished Lisey's Story by Stephen King. It's a few years old, but for some reason I had missed it when it originally came out.

The story reminded me a lot of The Dark Half. Of course, much of that was due to the subject matter. Both are about authors. And, both are about authors with some disturbing mental health issues, which is also part of where their gift comes from. You can also see a bit of Stephen King's personal demons in both stories.

There were parts of the story that I found hard to read. I prefer Stephen King books that are built in the world of fantasy and not in the world of real-life. His books based in real-life can be a little too real for me.

Overall, I liked it and would recommend it to other Stephen King fans. I wouldn't list it in my top 10 of his books.

Posted via email from Sue Anne's Posterous

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What Am I Passionate About?

I had an interesting conversation with my neighbor yesterday. It gave me a little bit of an epiphany, although its something I've been thinking about a lot.

My neighbor was laid off from his job on Friday. To be honest, before the conversation started I was a little confused about what he did for a living (I thought he was in computers / software engineering, and it turns out he's a tech / medical writer). As soon as he cleared up the confusion about what he did for a living, I immediately started throwing out resources for him about recruiters that I know in the area that he should contact for potential job opportunities.

I also do that on Twitter. One of the first "Follow Friday" recommendations I received was for being social and trying to make connections.

I like connecting people to other people that can help them get what they need. And, sometimes it may not be a person. Sometimes it may be a business.

In some ways, I want to be like the Santa Claus from the Miracle on 34th Street. One of my favorite parts of that movie is when the Santa Claus tells the mom about a better place to go find the toy the child wants for Christmas. We should all be like that.

Posted via email from Sue Anne's Posterous