Saturday, January 30, 2010

10,000 Tweets

Yesterday, I sent my 10,000th Tweet. Kind of crazy.

I first joined Twitter back in July 2008, but I really didn't start actively tweeting until the end of April 2009 while at the Nonprofit Technology Conference sponsored by NTEN. Before being active on Twitter, I was pretty active on Facebook. I had purposely avoided Twitter for a long time.

I'm so grateful that I finally jumped in feet first to Twitter. I have met so many great people, and even met some of those people in person. I have grown personally and professionally in ways that I couldn't even imagine about a year ago.

Here's to the next 10,000 Tweets.

Posted via email from Sue Anne's Posterous

Thursday, January 28, 2010

It's scary ...

To take risks.
To put yourself out there.
To take a chance.
But, what's the point if you're not doing something to get your heart beating a little faster.

Posted via email from Sue Anne's Posterous